Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Our small selected group of medical professionals from Maine is waiting in Nassau for a flight to Les Cayes, Haiti. We are two orthopedists, one anesthesiologist, an orthopedic nurse practitioner, and a recovery room nurse. Oh, and I am a nephrologist/internist/pediatrician. The surgeons have gone off to a hardware store to stock up on more screws, nails, and other instruments that are needed for the orthopedic work going on in Haiti. The Methodist Habitat Bahamas has been working hard to organize the airlift of supplies into Haiti, and while waiting here, we are learning more about what is needed right now.

Having been working in Haiti for 11 years, trips have become routine for me. Not this one. The Haiti that I knew is no more, and things will never be the same. I am most concerned about the emotional and physical toll that the last two weeks have taken on my friends and colleagues there. Anxious to be there to provide support in whatever fashion possible. Hope to be there today......

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